Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Different does not mean better or worse. It simply means different.

Someone once asked me how I stay so cheerful and positive while living with illness and the answer is really simple, life is good. Despite all of the crazy ups and downs that accompany being sick, I am happy because my life is wonderful and as long as I'm breathing I will continue to be happy.

Of course I get sad and feel down sometimes but I'm an extremely firm believer that life is what you choose to make it. I can be miserable and unhappy and feel sorry for myself but why? Life is short and I want to be happy every second that I possibly can.

I am not the person I thought I would be and my life might not be what I imagined it but that doesn't mean it's bad. I am in a totally different place than I could have ever dreamed of when I was a kid but different doesn't mean better or worse. It simply means different and once you realize that it's all about how you decide to feel about life as a whole. Enjoy the detours in life. You are who you are, so embrace it and love yourself and love your life because you don't get to do any of it over.

I like who I am even though I'm not the world famous news anchor that I had dreamed of becoming. I like who I am even though I'm not perfectly healthy. I like who I am even though I live with my (wonderful) parents instead of owning my personally designed dream home. Dreams are nice but plans change and it's okay to be happy with the version of you that is currently real instead of the version of you that you dreamed of becoming.

Whether you're ill or not it's important to remember that it's okay to love yourself and accept who you are right now. You are perfect as you are.

And if all else fails simply remember my motto:
Different does not mean better or worse. It simply means different.


  1. Jayanthi ParthasarathyAugust 5, 2015 at 4:32 AM

    Different does not mean better or worse. It simply means different. - profound

    1. Thanks so much Jayanthi! I think it's an important thing to remember!
