Tuesday, April 25, 2017

My .

I can’t believe I’ve never talked about my period on The Sick Life before. Well, maybe I can because for some reason although half the population of the planet gets a period it’s something that is taboo to talk about. Isn’t that weird? It’s a totally normal thing and yet it’s not something we can freely, or comfortably, talk about.

Anyway, I think it’s an important topic because how do we know what’s normal and what’s not if we never share these things. I know my period isn’t normal. It’s not easy. It’s extremely painful.

I started having my period when I was 14 and it wasn’t easy then but it’s definitely gotten more difficult with age. My period isn’t regular so I never know exactly when it will be arriving but once it does my body goes to war and I am taken out of the game for a couple of days because I am usually in so much pain I can’t even stand upright.

This month my period was actually the most painful it’s ever been. I spent an entire day curled up in a tiny little ball on the couch in the living room. Painkillers didn’t help and nothing seemed to ease the terrible pain I was experiencing. When I tried to get up and go into the dining room for dinner I was doubled over in excruciating pain. It hurt so much I lost control of my body and went into the rigors (uncontrollable shivering/shaking) and cried and cried and cried.

My period is also quite heavy in the first few days and I have abnormal clotting. Sorry if that’s TMI. It makes it really hard to function normally for about 5 to 6 days. I need lots of warm, salty baths and a heating pad strapped to my body at all times. I’ve found that drinking more water than I normally do (and I’m a big believer in drinking a lot of water, regularly) helps a lot but it only helps the flow and not the pain.

Well, there we go. That’s our slightly TMI topic of the day. Do you have an abnormal or painful period, as well? 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Goals for the Next Chapter of my Life

I’m 30. I can’t believe it! I don’t feel old, or anything, but I’m so happy to be continuing on the journey called life in a new decade. I never really thought I’d make it here so the fact that I am officially 30 years old is something I’m really proud of. Maybe it’s silly to be proud of turning another year older but I really do feel like it’s an accomplishment because it’s something so many people never get lucky enough to do. It’s an honor and a gift that I am looking forward to using as fully as I can.

Even though I’m happy with who I am as a person I believe we’re all works in progress and we can always try harder and learn more. I have some things that I’d like to conquer in an effort to make myself the best that I can be so I thought I would share those things with you all today.

This year I plan on spending as much time as I possibly can with the people I love. I want to make the most of the time that we have and dedicate myself fully to being with them and truly hearing and listening to them. I want to ask as many questions as I can and get as many answers as I can. I do spend a lot of time with them and I already have so many wonderful memories but I need more. We all need more time with the people we love.

This year I hope to be more patient. It’s something I’m constantly trying to work on because I have a terrible tendency of becoming impatient; especially with the people I love most. Life is short as is our time here so I want to spend that time being as kind, generous, open and patient as I possibly can be. There’s no need to have a short temper but there is a need to be tolerant and understanding.

This year I hope to have better control of my anxiety. Anxiety is not my friend. It’s not something I have a good grip on and I don’t really know how I’m going to go about learning to control it but I vow to try my hardest to learn coping techniques and ways to understand it better.

This year I want to refine my sleeping habits and develop a healthy routine. I want to sleep better, not necessarily more. I want to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. I want to create a plan and stick it because I think it will help me be better in both mind and body.

I want acceptance. I want to accept who I am completely and accept my abilities. I don’t want to feel guilt for what I can and cannot do. I want to know that I am deserving and I want to be content. I have an awful habit of feeling guilt for things that I am lucky enough to have, when others have less, and of feeling guilt for not being able to do more, when I feel like I should be doing more. I am enough.

I want to stop being so wasteful. I want to use up the products I already have, wear the clothes already hanging in my closet, eat the food in the fridge and just shop less and spend less money. I have so much already. I don’t need more. Maybe this will be the year of actually completing a no-buy! I want to spend my money of experiences rather than things.

I want to write about my day to day in more detail in my planner. I use my planner to remember things so I want to use it more like a diary than a place where I can list the things I did. I want to talk about feelings and experiences in so much more descriptive language so I can truly remember each little things.

I want to spend more time outdoors and less time on the computer. This one is simple so we’ll leave it at that.

I hope to love more, laugh more, create more, and just live more in this upcoming year of my life and throughout the rest of my time, as well. I control my situation and my life and I want to have some fun and make some happy memories. Here’s to 30 and what this year will bring my way!

Friday, April 14, 2017

My 30th Birthday

I was 22 when I got sick and turning 30 seemed like something that was so far away and also unattainable, but here I am! I made it! I am now officially 30! Well, 30 years and 4 days to precise.

I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful my birthday was! It was the best day! My Mom took the day off of work so all of us were home and together, which was special in and of itself, and my wonderful family spent the day spoiling me. I mean absolutely spoiling me!

Everything was totally perfect. The decorations, which were all about cats/mixed metals/my favorite colors, the food and the beyond thoughtful gifts were all so perfect. I didn’t get sad this year like I have in the past, which I’ve talking about in previous birthday posts, and had a really awesome day.

I did end up crying at one point, however, because I was so overwhelmed with how generous my parents were. They always are with gifts but this year they went above and beyond anything I could have ever expected. They went nuts, but I’m so grateful. I said it above but I mean it, they really spoiled me! They got me a beautiful new kayak, in addition to gorgeous pieces of jewelry and beauty products and books and so much fun stuff, that I can’t wait to be able to use once it gets warmer.

As you might remember we took up kayaking last year and I was having trouble with mine so this is a really great upgrade!

Here are a few pictures from the day but I'm a weirdo and even though I blog about my life I typically like to keep birthdays and Christmas to myself because they’re such personal and special days. Anyway, this was just a little update written mostly as a thank you to my wonderful and incredible parents. And thank you to all of you who wished me a happy birthday! I appreciate the birthday wishes and I'm looking forward to the year ahead of me. I'll write a post about what I hope to accomplish in my 30th year soon so I'll see you then!